When East meets West... or the story of a young photographer coming from Ukraine to create new Parisian stories filled with the kind of energy that we usually find in New-York.
Paris as the new capital of the world that is what we feel when we look at the drifting street colours of Oleg Sotnik.
Oleg Sotnik was born in 1985 in Ukraine. He discovered photography at the age of 12, when his grandma offered him a KIEV66 camera from Poland.
he has been fascinated by photography ever since. While he was studying economics in Kharkiv, he opened his own studio. he made a name for himself in the city's art scene by organizing events and performances.
In the 2009, he ceased the opportunity to study photography in France. Instea of returning to Ukraine after finishing his education, he decided to stay on.
Drifting Street Colours are photographs of Parisians on their way home from work. It’s that time "entre chiens et loups” (“between dogs and wolves”) as they say there. It’s about those special moments when we pick up our groceries, meet our loved ones, our kids, our friends. These are the moments we escape from work and enjoy a few hours of freedom.
Oleg’s photographs convey the energy and power of our city, the mood of its protagonist and the way they effortlessly navigate the Parisian streets, their minds filled with dreams.
Oleg Sotnik uses precise photographic technics such as smoothness or sharpness of colours and forms to emphasize the mood his protagonists carry through our city.
We have high hopes that this young photographer will receive a wide artistic approval in our country. Therefore, we are delighted to be able to present his work to you.
The drifting streets colours series is now available in limited edition of ten signed prints on dibound aluminium on at www.pariscapitaledelaterre.fr. Click on the link to discover the full Drifting Street Colours and to support art without borders.